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Welcome Parents

I have created this page to explain how our class is unique to others so that you understand my philosophy and methodology.


First and foremost I want you to know that I only have your child's best interest in mind. As we finish off our public school years and transition into the workforce or continue on into higher education, I have been told repeatedly from our business partners that there are a specific amount of skills that have not been a priority in education for our students and I feel it is important that I provide those skills for our students as we assist them in the transition to the workforce. The skills that have come up time after time are:



Conflict Management (working in teams)

Critical Thinking

Problem Solving

Time Management

Work Place Etiquette

Work Ethic


Currently our classroom is now set-up like most office work spaces. We have our 1st year or new hires aka "technicians", we have our 2nd year middle management or "supervisors', and we have our 3rd year pathway completers or "managers."


Part of the career standards for 2nd/3rd year students is planning and managing a team. It is for this reason I have given them the additional responsibility for assisting and monitoring any 1st year students.


I have made it VERY CLEAR that if ANY student cannot resolve any conflicts with their chain of command, then just like at your workplace, they are free to come and speak with the "owner" or in our case, the "teacher." Ultimately this is an educational facility and I want my students to feel comfortable coming to me if they are struggling with their assignments and are embarrassed to share with the chain of command. I also want to teach self-advocacy and knowing when it is appropriate to ask for help when you are unable to complete a task.


There are two main strategies I am using to  this address the skill shortages goal:


First, is the "flipped" classroom. It is a concept that has been used by forward thinking educational systems for some years now and has even had a PBS News Hour special on its effects in the classroom.














This system enables the students to spend most of the class time actually "working" on projects, problem solving and asking questions in class when I am there or their peers are there to answer them. This system also helps with time management as they can watch the lectures based on their available time and can watch it repeatedly if there is something they do not understand.


The second strategy I will use is the "peer mentor" or "student-led" classroom. the specific model I am attempting to follow is the Montessori method of learning.



























Other video research:

Student Led Classroom from a veteran "teacher"

What does it look like

The student led classroom student presentation


In our program, the following life skills will be addressed:


Personal Finance

  • College Grant/Scholarship applications

  • Banking/Checking

  • Credit Score

  • Budgeting

  • Investments

  • Living within your means


Job Skills

  • Job Search

  • Job Interviews

  • Resumes

  • Online Portfolios

  • Career Exploration

Common Business Practices

  • Conflict Resolution

  • Business Etiquette

  • Team Work

  • Accountability

  • Work Ethic

  • Life-Long Learning


and many more.....


Of course if you have any questions and/or concerns you may contact me and I will be happy to explain or address your concerns and/or complaints.


Finally, a reminder that you can view your students progress through Cobb Synergy parent portal (See admin for login) or ask your child.


I will not normally contact you if your child receives a zero (0) grade unless specifically asked for by a parent. Another of our benchmarks is taking on personal accountability. Parents will not be notified if their child is not meeting the requirements of their first job and that is what I want us to practice here in our simulated workplace. The student and i will have the necessary conversations and they will be reminded of their responsibilities but otherwise I will allow them to fail if that is their choice.


They have complete access to their grades via any internet/smartphone/tablet connection. I have made it a personal goal to have the previous weeks grades in Synergy within one weeks time..=)


My contact information is:


BEST Method

(I will respond withing 24hrs in most cases)



Other options:

(Again I will respond promptly at the first opportunity)

Telephone: After school hours

770-222-3710 extension 4303


You may visit our classroom to see for yourself but please stop by the main office to get a pass as our students safety is our top priority.


Thank you.


Mr. Lee



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